Monday, October 27, 2008

Android, the Open Handset Alliance

Android is the first free, open source,
and fully customizable mobile platform.
Android offers a full stack: an operating system,
middleware, and key mobile applications.
It also contains a rich set of APIs that allows
third-party developers to develop great applications.

See for yourself here:
And here:

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fedora Women

Fedora seeks developers with two X chromosomes

Fedora Women aims to provide a central forum and point of support for the often under-represented side of Fedora's Community.

A large portion of the Fedora userbase is made up of women. They are often under-represented within the community, with many people not even realizing how big a share of the community they are. The Fedora Women program aims to improve that representation and to provide a forum for the women of the Fedora Community.

More information here:

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Blog 8 -- Page 400 Self Test 3

Blog 8 – Chapter 7 – Page 400 Self Test 3

1) What command would you enter to move the file “eakins” which is in your current directory, so that it’s listed in your home directory?
A. mv eakins /home/mpoulton.

2) What is the difference between the commands rmdir and rm –r?
A. rmdir only removes an empty directory where as rm –r removes a directory and everything in the directory.

3) Assume you are the Projects directory, which has the subdirectories Old-projects and New-projects. What is the command to move the Book-project directory from New-projects to Old-projects?
A. Use mv New-projects/Book-project/ Old-projects. The Book-project directory moves from the New-projects to the Old-projects, files and all.

4) You are in your home directory, where there is a file named users_on. What command will list the file in both your home directory and in the subdirectory Projects?
A. Use ln users_on Projects. This will place a link in the Projects directory that is just like the file in the home directory.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Blog 7 -- Certifications & Jobs

Week 8 -- Blog 7 -- Answer two questions.

1) What types of Linux or UNIX certifications are out there?

Novel offers training and certification.

There are vendor-neutral certifications called LPIC (Linux Professional Institute Certification). Found here:
There are three levels of certifications; the Junior Level Administration (LPIC1), the Intermediate Level Administration (LPIC2), and the Senior Level Administration (LPIC3).
Another site with vendor neutral certifications is CompTIA. Their certifications for hands-on technicians include Linux+, A+, and Network+.
CompTIA Found here:
Red Hat offers Linux certification:
Dell offers training and certification here:
Very interesting Linux certification site here:

UNIX certifications:

2) What type of jobs can you get with Linux/UNIX certifications?

Since Linux and UNIX are the main operating systems of the Internet, you can get a job managing workstations, thin clients, and Internet servers. Advanced users should be able to set up networks, or be a system administrator. Another job would be a database administrator.
Job listings websites:

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Discussion 2 for CIT 173 – Just FYI

•    What is open source?

I think it is fitting to mention that the "Internet", as we know it today, began in the 1960's. At this time, there were only about 10,000 computers on the Defense Department project called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. The computers did not come with operating systems so the computer technicians had to write their own software. In the late 1960's and early 1970's university technicians and students continued to experiment with and write programs. UNIX grew out of Bell Laboratories, a division of AT&T. Later the University of Berkley created its own version of UNIX called Berkley Software Distribution, or BSD. By the late 1980's several versions of UNIX and other free software abounded. Richard Stallman, a Physics student at Harvard wanted to write his own programs and he wanted them to be free and compatible with UNIX. Stallman came up with the idea of "Copyleft" using copyright law to guarantee material can be freely used, examined, copied, and distributed. These "copyleft's" can be found in the General Public License (GNU). Stallman created the GCC compiler and the Emacs text editor among several other utilities. A mere 17 years ago, in 1991, Linus Torvalds from the University of Helsinki wrote a Unix-like kernel based on Minix and Linux was born. Open Source Software is not "free" software; it is software with numerous licenses attached to it that is free to look at, free to change, and free to distribute. I believe that the browser wars introduced many people to Open Source Software in the form of Mozilla Firefox.

•    What do you believe the future of open source is?

I believe that Open Source Software (OSS) has a bright future. There are so many people writing open source code, and so many students studying open source applications, it is reasonable to believe that OSS may eventually take the place of commercial software from companies like Microsoft or Symantec. If OSS does not replace commercial software, it will at least take its place beside it on the shelf at Office Depot. Oracle is already onboard with open source software. At the last Oracle convention I went to, Novell had a distribution of Suse optimized to run Oracle utilities. I think it is just a matter of time before enough people know how to customize OSS. When that happens, OSS will be a part of everyone's life.

•    Name one large company who uses open source.

Hewlett Packard (HP) sells and supports Linux. Many of HP's printers have drivers for Linux platforms. HP claims that Linux can "save valuable time and money and reduce deployment stress, because Linux solutions can offer great performance, reliability, and flexibility at lower cost". I think HP is forward thinking and they will have a larger customer base by offering Linux solutions.


References: (HP)


Short list of interesting open source software:

Moodle (, a popular course management system like Blackboard.

Tux Paint ( tuxpaint/) is an easy-to-use draw program.

Blender (www.blender3d.comlcrns/Home.2.0.html), for modeling and animation.

Qcad (, for computer aided 2-D drafting

GIMP (, for image manipulation.

ImageMagick (www.imagemagick .org/script/index.php), for creating images from scratch.

FreeMind ( wiki/index.php/Main_Page) a mind mapping tool.

1HMC Cmap Tools ( a concept map tool.

Audacity (http://audacity a best audio-editing

Dynebolic ( and Jahshaka ( tools for sound and video recording, editing, encoding, and streaming.

And of course OpenOffice Suite (

StarOffice ( from Sun comes at a very reasonable price.

Nyu ("new view"; for webpage building.

Firefox ( web browser.

Apache web server software (www.apache .org/).

Friday, October 3, 2008

PDF's for Linux

Foxit Reader for desktop Linux:

Adobe Reader for Linux and Solaris:

A document viewer, called Evince, for multiple document formats.
It currently supports pdf, postscript, djvu, tiff and dvi.

Blog 6 -- Chapter 5a -- Utilities

Blog 6 -- Week 6

Assignment: Chapter 5 Self Test 1

1) If you are using 'more' to examine a file and decide you want to look back at the previous page, what do you enter?

A. 'b' or ctrl - B.

2) From 'more', how can you quickly start editing the current file with vi?

A. 'v' then <enter>. This starts the utility /usr/bin/vi.

3) What command tells 'cut' to output the first five characters of every line from the file 'practice'?

A. cut –c1-5 practice | more. The –c if for the character.

4) What command tells 'grep' to look for all lines consisting of only the letter 'Z' followed by any four characters in a file filename?

A. grep Z –a3 *.

5) What command instructs 'grep' to look through all files in the current directory for lines containing the string 'Pat Lloyd' and output just the names of the files that contain a match?

A. "grep –l 'Pat Lloyd' * | more". The '-l' tells grep to list the filenames not the individual lines.

6) How do you get the answer to the following with four figures to the right of the decimal point? Add 424 to 79, divide that sum by 161, then raise that result to the 15th power.

A. Start with 'bc', 424 + 79 (displays 503). 'scale=2' 503 / 161 (displays 3.12). 3.12 ^ 15th power (displays 25841570.87).

7) What command tells a utility to search through every file in the current directory for the name 'Catherine Thamzin'?

A. "grep 'Catherine Thamzin' *".

8) What command results in a listing of the number of words and the number of lines in the files 'practice' and 'users_on'?

A. wc –l -w practice users_on

9) What command creates a new file 'chapter' consisting of the contents of the files 'section1', 'section2', 'section3', and 'section4' with all the lines numbered?

A. cat 'section1', 'section2', 'section3', and 'section4' > chapter. Vi chapter (when in vi; type ':set number' and the numbers appear in front of each line.

10) A file called 'empnames' contains many employee names, with exactly one name on each line. What command outputs the names in the file in multiple columns, with columns filled before rows?

A. column 'empnames' | more. (just column fills columns first, column –x fills rows THEN columns). I am worried, I think the man says just the opposite. But I tried it and it worked this way.