Thursday, April 27, 2017

Unix Time Apocalypse

The end of Unix Time will occur on January 19, 2038 03:14:07 GMT.  On January 19, 2038 03:14:08 GMT all computers that still use 32 bit Unix Time will overflow.  This is known as the "Year 2038 problem".  Some believe this will be a more significant problem than the "Year 2000 problem".

Unix Time Primer

Unix Time is represented by a 32 bit whole number (an integer) that can be positive or negative (signed).  Unix was originally developed in the 60s and 70s so the "start" of Unix Time was set to January 1st 1970 at midnight GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) - this date/time was assigned the Unix Time value of 0.  This is what is know as the Unix Epoch.While Unix Time begins at 0 on January 1st 1970 it also has a pre-history and an ending.  A 32 bit signed integer can represent whole numbers between -2147483648 and 2147483647.  Since Unix Time starts at 0, negative Unix Time values go back in time from the Epoch and positive numbers go forward in time.  This means that Unix Time spans from Unix Time value of -2147483648 or 20:45:52 GMT on December 13th 1901 to Unix Time value of 2147483647 or 3:14:07 GMT on January 19 in 2038.  These dates represent the beginning, the pre-history and the end of Unix Time.


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

What is curl?

CURL is simply awesome because of the following reasons...
  1. CURL is an easy to use command line tool to send and receive files, and it supports almost all major protocols(DICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, GOPHER, HTTP, HTTPS,  IMAP, IMAPS,  LDAP,  LDAPS,  POP3, POP3S, RTMP, RTSP, SCP, SFTP, SMTP, SMTPS, TELNET and TFTP) in use.
  2. Can be used inside your shell scripts with ease
  3. Supports features like pause and resume of downloads
  4. It has around 120 command line options for various tasks
  5. It runs on all major operating systems(More than 40+ Operating systems)
  6. Supports cookies, forms and SSL
  7. Both curl command line tool and libcurl library are open source, so they can be used in any of your programs
  8. It supports configuration files
  9. Multiple upload with a single command
  10. Progress bar, rate limiting, and download time details
  11. ipv6 support


Also see:

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Wonderful Distro Website! Credits Andreas Lundqvist – Original maintainer Donjan Rodic – Maintainer, gnuclad developer Mohammed A. Mustafa – Updates Aleksandar Urošević - Design assistance José Alex Sandoval – Original idea (“Línea del tiempo Distribuciones Linux”)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Open Office software

Apache Open Office 4
Open Office Blog
The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 4

Monday, April 22, 2013

HTG Explains: What the DMCA Is and How it Affects the Internet

The Digital Millennium Contract is a US law passed in 1998 in an attempt to modernize copyright law to deal with the Internet. The DMCA has a number of provisions, but we’ll be focusing on the ones that have most affected the web we have today.
In particular, we’ll be focusing on the “notice and takedown” provisions that provide “safe harbor” for many service providers, as well as the anti-circumvention provisions that criminalize many common actions.

How to Geek Explains DMCA

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Ubuntu commentary by Jun Auza............go there, read this!

Ubuntu wants to be the Google of your desktop. Yes, it really does. It wants you to be able to search for anything right from your desktop without even opening your browser. Sounds crazy right? On one side, you have Google letting you place all your world in your web browser, Ubuntu, on the other hand, tends to pull you away from the web and instead brings the web to your desktop. Now, as convenient as both ideas sound, many users are afraid of extremes. I, for example, would not like moving my whole life to a web browser much like Google Chromebook proponents do.

My choices.............

I am already a Linux fan, but I may go completely open source soon.  Microsoft is all up in my business these days, I prefer having control of my operating system, my applications and my web browser!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Roots of Open Source

Just another reminder that I like open source software!
I wish I had the ability to follow in these footsteps!

Friday, March 4, 2011


SuSE is a German distribution which originally stood for “Software und System Entwicklung” which in English translates to “Software and System Development.” Since 1998 the acronym is no longer used and the the name of the company is simply SUSE.

The original release of SuSE Linux was version 4.2 instead of 1.0 in reference to the “Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything” from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

SUSE’s mascot is a Veiled chameleon named “Geeko” from the words “gecko” and “geek.”

SUSE is now owned by Novell and the free Linux distribution is known as openSUSE.


Friday, September 11, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Linux Cheat Sheet Websites

I subscribe to several technical sites and I found these to be interesting.....
from Tech Source From Bohol By Jun Auza:
And from Scott at the Ultimate Linux-UNIX collection:
Also, from a blog called "a non-geek's Linux notes:

Saturday, May 2, 2009

CIT 174 Week 14 Blog 13

Part 1

Identify the function of the Linux kernel and its associated features.

The Linux kernel is the core of the operating system. It allocates computer resources such as memory, and CPU time as well as controlling hardware running on the machine. The Linux kernel is dynamic; allowing the addition and removal of software modules while the kernel is running. The subsystems of the kernel include: system call interface, process management, virtual file systems, memory management, network stack, arch, and device drivers. According to the textbook author, Wells, there are thousands of Linux kernel options [p614].

Identify the appropriate steps and commands used to compile and install a new Linux kernel.

You have to execute a series of make commands that prepare the code files. According to Wells the typical command string is: #make dep; make bzImage; make modules; make modules_inatall. Substituting make bzdisk for bzImage allows you make a boot disk that contains the new Linux kernel. The bzImage makes a compressed kernel image that you can use to replace the original kernel file. The following commands will set up the new kernel: #cd /boot; #cp (the new image of your kernel); #ln –s vmlinuz vmlinuz-new.

What are the main tasks involved in managing kernel modules in Linux.

You can look at what the kernel is doing with the command: cat /proc/ (and the type of information you want to view). You can look at memory, battery info, DMA channels, ports, file systems, or disk partitions, only to name a few modules. The command lsmod, lists the modules, modinfo gives you detailed information about a module, modprobe allows you to add a module, and rmmod removes a module form the kernel.

Part 2

For pandora what do you suggest for the following? What would you backup?

I would backup the student files that are being changed.

How often would you backup?

I would back up just the student files and the history files every hour while school was in session. This backup would be automated with a cronjob. I would do a level "zero" back up three times a year at the beginning of every semester, January, May and September. I would do a level "one" back up once a month.

What tools would you use to backup? If it something other than out of the box Linux please describe in detail the product you are going to use.

I would use the rsync tool. It only copies what has been changed since the last time it preformed a sync. I think it is better not to compress the backups, so that if something goes wrong, it will be easier to restore the corrupted or missing file.

Where would you backup the data?

My personal preference would be a RAID 5 backup. However, due to budget cuts, I may only have enough money for a RAID 3. I could utilize an older box and put several hard drives in it for my yearly and monthly back ups of pandora. I think I would do the hourly backups on hard drive in pandora and write over them as long as there were no system errors in the last week. The backups could also be burned to dvd's and stored for a period of time to be sure no student work was lost.


Anatomy of the Linux kernel by IBM – the history and architectural decomposition.

Wells, Nicholas, The Complete Guide to Linux System Administration (class text), 2005, Canada, Thomson.

Very cool diagram of the Linux kernel here:

Additional Linux kernel "how to" information websites:

Party like it's 1234567890 !!

At 3:31 PST on Friday, February 13, 2009.............
Unix computer clocks will reach a time of 1234567890
Although no one else seemed to care!!
I thought it was a GREAT excuse to party!!

It's won't be the "epochalypse" of 2038, but it offers a moment notable enough for some Unix fans to raise a toast.
That's when Unix computer clocks will reach the time of 1234567890--1.2 billion seconds elapsed from January 1, 1970, the official beginning of the Unix epoch. The clock is used not just by Unix, but also by Linux, Java, JavaScript, Mac OS X, and various other technologies.

Various Web sites exist to help mark the occasion.
Cool Epoch Countdown, which actually counts up, is the first I saw.
1234567890 Day helpfully includes links to a few parties to honor the occasion.

There's nothing wrong with a good excuse for a party!
Just so long as those Unix sysadmins get back to work and patch things up so the computer world doesn't grind to a halt in 2038, when today's clocks would run out of positive 32-bit integers.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

CIT 174 – Blog 12 – Week13

Networking and Printing with Linux,
Case Project --

Three offices, of varying staff size centrally located, are planning to upgrade their information technology infrastructure.
1. a) Would you consider relying on an /etc/host file instead of a DNS server for the firm?
Probably not, I think the firm is too large and it needs a DNS server to resolve addresses that are not internal.
b) Would you consider relying on an /etc/host file for just one office?
I think a good course of action would be to have all the local hosts in the host file and have the nonlocal requests resolved by a DNS server. A law firm that size with government clients do not need to save money using a host file. They can afford their own DNS server, or they can link to the DNS server at their ISP.
c) What are the costs of relying on an /etc/host file?
The main downfall of using the host file is that it has to be updated manually. A DNS server updates addresses dynamically, without the input of a person. According to the text book, dynamic routing is better and faster. Routers can exchange information and reroute traffic without much delay.
d) What are the benefits relying on an /etc/host file?
The host file can be faster for resolving local addresses. If you were to lose your Internet connection, the host file would allow you to work offline to connect to your own internetwork. Each workstation could be configured to resolve addresses in a certain way. If the researcher in the home office used nonlocal addresses more, that machine could be configured to check a DNS server first. However, if the accounting office accessed local addresses frequently, that machine could be configured to read the host file first, then a DNS server.
2. a) Would you consider using DHCP instead of assigning static IP addresses?
The only hosts that require static IP addresses are web, email, file, and ftp servers. If the company had any servers that needed to be accessed by most of the employees or people outside the business, those servers would also need static IP’s. Assigning IP addresses with a DHCP server is easier than manually configuring all the hosts in the company. It is easier to move computers, change users, and manage permissions when IP addresses are assigned dynamically.
b) Would you do this throughout the firm?
Yes, only the servers would have static IP’s.
c) If you used DHCP, would you have a server in every office?
No, I believe one server in the main office would be sufficient, it can run DNS and DHCP.
d) What are the trade-offs you must consider in deciding this?
I would have to consider how many computers there are to manage, how many employees there are who need network access, and the amount to traffic to the servers.
3. a) Find a color printer that has good Linux support. What features make you select one over another?
There are hundreds of Linux compatible printers on the market. The companies with the most printers are HP, Epson, Gestetner, Ricoh, Brother, Canon, Lexmark, Kyocera, Lanier, Infotech, and NRG just to name the top companies. Since I am doing a business case for a lawyer’s office, I till choose a high speed black and white by HP. Maybe the LaserJet P3005dn because it prints 35 pages a minute, has expandable ram, two-sided printing, and is network ready. HP seems to be the company who is taking Linux seriously and professes to be a business partner ready to support Linux all the way.
b) What level of Linux support can you find for high-end color printers? Hewlett Packard has been onboard with Linux drivers for several years that I know of. From the information I have gathered, it looks as if HP is still the industry leader in writing Linux drivers, and offering Linux printer support, black and white as well as color.


DNS Software

Hewlett Packard Open Source

Hewlett Packard HPLIP Software (1686 HP printers supported on Linux!!)

HP Linux Support Contact page

Interactive List of Printers from Open Printing Foundation

Linux – Extensive List of Drivers

Open Printing Foundation

SUSE on Linux Printer Support

Friday, April 17, 2009

CIT 174 – Week 12 -- Blog 11


How is a network manager supposed to instruct and influence the users on their network about security risks, especially if they are young, college graduates, with little experience? This is a difficult position to be in, but since the company hired you, someone has confidence that you will do the job well. It helps if you are certified and have a degree. As you settle in to your new job, you need to document, document, document, everything. Find out what the current policies are, find out how to implement new policies, and back up your documentation with several valid sources. If you present a strong case with good arguments the management is more likely to take you seriously and support your new security policy ideas.

There are a plethora of security holes in any network, in almost any setting. If only network managers did not have to deal with users, the risks would be minor. Unfortunately, networks are set up for users to “use” and the more users, the more security risks there are. Risks come from many different areas, the Internet, instant messaging and email applications, wireless networks, and removable media.

There are resources, both online and in books, that will help a network administrator conduct a risk analysis; Cisco is one of these resources. Once the risks have been identified, the more obvious ones should be shared with the entire company, not just kept within the IT department. I believe a network manager should explain in relatively simple terms why people needed to protect the network, the users would be more willing to co-operate with security measures. Videos and animated presentations can help educate users, while quizzes and surveys can provide feedback to the IT department about knowledge and compliance. This information can be used to judge the success of the security training program.

Create usage policy statements so the users are aware of the IT department’s mission to keep the network secure and how they are going to implement those security measures. According to Cisco’s Best Practices White Paper On Network Security Policy, “[They] recommend a statement that outlines users' roles and responsibilities with regard to security”. I agree with Cisco that the users need to understand network, computer, and personal security risks. The actions of the user that could result in punitive or disciplinary action should be included in the employment package. These expectations should be reviewed yearly. If possible, the executives and leadership of the company should also be educated about the necessity of security to protect their information, computers, and employees. A network manager cannot expect security policies to be enforced unless the management is aware of the risks and benefits.

Using passwords is the most common way to manage user accounts, limit accessibility, and track user activity. Until we use biometric logons passwords is all network administrators have to work with. Depending on the sensitivity of the data or the service the user is accessing, the more important it is to have a secure password. The passwords need to be designed with “ease of remembrance” in mind. A password written on a post-it-note, on the monitor has defeated the purpose of a password. The best passwords are not “words” from the dictionary, but acronyms, such as “to be or not to be” can be “2BRnot2B”. Try using random words in a non-sense sentence. “I ate kiwis in 1987” can be “i8ki19wis87”. Passwords can be administrated in several different ways. If the operating system is UNIX/Linux, this can be done with PAM. This is a special file that has parameters for security settings. These include password strength, a password expiration date, and the ability to keep users from changing their password to something too simple to protect the network.

Always run your workstations with non-administrative users. This technique provides a sort of insurance by limiting any damage that could result from a security breach. If a person or program is attempting to gain access to a machine would have access to many of the files, but would probably not be able to install malware on the computer, nor would not be able to compromise the operating system or the network.

A wireless environment should be properly secured, at home, at work, and on the road. Change any wireless router's default password and to use WPA encryption. Do not allow routers to be administered over the Internet and consider creating a closed network and limiting access by mac address. Keep logs to see who is trying to access the fire wall and watch out for rogue access points. NetStumbler can detect wireless access points and it supports the use of a GPS card, which allows it to create a map showing the locations of wireless access points. Wireless access to a network creates a huge security risk. If employees really want a wireless network, it is better to set one up for them with some security in place instead of allowing people to randomly connect to the network.

Keep all of your software updated
Run anti-virus and anti-malware software
Use permissions, preferences, and group policies to limit user’s ability to install software
Implement a good backup policy; consider storing periodic backup off site
Avoid unsafe behavior, such as, opening email attachments or file sharing.
Block unsigned ActiveX scripts
Do not allow remote access except by the IT department
Establish logs for user logons and logoffs, consider a centralized logging server for easy access to logs
Research the latest security risks, Phishing was an unheard of threat a few years ago, there seem to always be new threats
Use firewalls
Have a disaster recovery plan documented

Reference sites:

Apple Product Security

CERT® Coordination Center - The United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT)
Before You Connect a New Computer to the Internet

Cisco Systems, Inc.
Copyright © 2006−2007

Mandriva Security Advisories

Microsoft TechNet Microsoft Windows XP Baseline Security Checklist

RedHat Security and Errata

Slackware Security Advisories

SUSE Security (US/Canada)

Tech Republic
Stop rogue access points from showing up on your network

Ubuntu Security notices

University of Indiana Information Technology Services, Knowledge Base, Computer Security
Copyright 2005-2007, The Trustees of Indiana University

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter

CIT 174
Week 11 -- Chapter 10

Sorry for the missed post!
It was family week for me.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

87.8 %

According to the Linux kernel is being run on 439 of the top 500 supercomputers, that's a whopping 87.80 %

GO TUX !!!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

CIT 174 --Week 10 -- Blog 9

Chapter 9 Review

  1. Which of the following occurs first when a computer is booted? (d) The CPU starts executing commands found in the BIOS.
  2. On newer computers, the BIOS can typically boot from which of the following devices? (a) Hard disks, CD-ROM drives, removable disks, a network connection, or USB device.
  3. When using LILO rather than GRUB, you must do which of the following after making a configuration change in order for the change to be effective the next time you boot Linux? (b) Run the lilo command as root.
  4. Assuming a standard configuration, the BIOS looks first in which of the following locations on a hard disk when trying to find a boot loader or operating system? (a) The MBR (the first sector of the first IDE disk).
  5. In order to use chained boot loaders, you must be certain that: (c) The first boot loader can by found by the BIOS, and each operating system can be reached via one of the chained boot loaders.
  6. The Linux kernel is a file having a name that starts with (a) wmlinuz and typically stored in the /boot subdirectory.
  7. Which feature is part of GRUB but not LILO? (a) Including non-Linux operating systems in the list of bootable systems.
  8. Describer the output of the uname command. This command displays information about the kernel, so that you know exactly which version you are using.
  9. The GRUB boot manager can be reconfigured directly as you boot your system, but is also controlled by this configuration file. (d) /boot/grub/grub.conf.
  10. Which of the following statements about boot parameters is accurate? (a) They are passed to the Linux kernel by the boot loader.
  11. The scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d are provided by: (c) the software package that installs the service that the script controls.
  12. Explain the difference between the configuration data stored in files within the /etc/sysconfig directory and the service-specific configuration data stored in other subdirectories. The data in the /etc/sysconfig is used to start and configure a service to run on the computer. The data in the subdirectory is used by the service itself to determine its parameters.
  13. The (c) dmesg utility displays kernel hardware configuration messages from the system book process.
  14. The init program relies on the following configuration file (b) /etc/inittab.
  15. Name the two run levels normally used to run a Linux-based computer, and describe the difference between those two run levels. The single-user mode is for system maintenance but does not provide networking capabilities. The regular multi-user networking mode is the standard text mode with no graphical interface typically used on network servers.
  16. The files in /etc/rc.d/init.d can be used to (b) stop and restart most standard services in Linux.
  17. Name three commands that can be used to begin a graceful shutdown of Linux. Reboot, shutdown, and halt.
  18. A boot loader can be configured to boot multiple Linux kernels that use the same partition as their root file system. True.
  19. The timeout= parameter in a GRUB configuration and the delay= parameter in a LILO configuration both refer to (d) how long the boot loader waits for user input before booting the default operating system.
  20. The service command is used to (a) view or change the current status of a service via a script located in /etc/rc.d/init.d.
  21. The chkconfig command is used to (b) change the boot-up status of a service that is controlled via a script located in /etc/rc.d/init.d.
  22. Name the graphical configuration utility provided with Red Hat Linux and Fedora that can be used in place of the command-line utilities service and chkconfig. Service Configuration utility (or servicesonf at the command line).
  23. If a journaling file system prevents partially written information from causing a corrupted file system in Linux, why is it still important to use graceful shutdown techniques rather than just turning off the system power? Because there are dozens of services running in the background and data in the memory, turning off the power can still cause data loss. All the journaling file system protects against is corrupted file systems.
  24. Which command is typically executed when the Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination is pressed, and where is that command configured? Immediate restart. In the /etc/inittab file.
  25. What is the command you use to cause the init program to reread its configuration file after you have made changes to it. "telinit q"